
Sviluppatori Utility Utility
Sviluppatore John Daniel
4.99 USD

EtreNet puts the internet in your Finder.

EtreNet allows you to connect to FTP, FTPS, or SSH/SFTP servers and access them from the Finder, Terminal, or your favourite applications like any other network drive.

FTP - While the Finder already supports FTP, it is read-only. With EtreNet, you get full read and write access to your FTP servers.

FTPS - FTP is an old and insecure protocol. EtreNet allows you to use FTPS, a secure version of FTP on FTP servers that support it.

SSH/SFTP - EtreNet also supports SFTP, based on Secure SHell. If you have SSH access to a server, you can use EtreNet to access your remote files with your Mac applications.